Benefits of registering with The Will Registry.
- Save legal fees which result from intestacy and other lost documents (eg trust deeds, leases).
- Secure and confidential registration of location of important documents.
- Unlimited online ability to edit your details.
- Low cost service to locate important documents.
- No time wasted in looking for lost documents.
- Certainty as to location of important documents.
- Time and cost efficiencies in finalising legal affairs of deceased (or other business matters).
- Service available anytime from anywhere.
- Certainty as to distribution of your estate.
- Allow interested parties to know the location of your important docments, without disclosing the contents.
- National Database can be accessed worldwide.
Did you know !!
- Most people spend all their working lives to create assets, but give little thought to the distribution of those assets when they die.
- 60% of people die without a Will (Intestate).
- If you die intestate, the Government decides as to the distribution of your estate.
- Of the 40% who have a Will, many are uncertain as to its location or validity.
- A copy of a Will does not suffice for distribution of an estate. The original Will is required.
- 50% of people who claim to have valid Wills, which require updating due to changing family circumstances.
- Spouses or de factos should have separate Wills.
- A Will is the only effective method to provide for guardianship of children if both parents die.
- Wills should be updated when life circumstances change, (eg; divorce, death of a relative or beneficiary).
- Generally marriage cancels a previous Will.
- Many couples spend legal fees on divorce lawyers, but neglect to put their affairs in order following the divorce by making a new Will.
- If a Trust Deed is lost, it may require an Order of the Supreme Court (at great expense) to reinstate the Trust.
- Important documents should be kept together, eg; Will and Superannuation Trust Deed as they often will be required to be read in consultation with the other, eg; binding nomination to a Trust Deed.
Don't have your property given to unintended recipients
because your Will cannot be found.
Register NOW with The Will Registry Today!